I am not much for following through with New Year's resolutions. In years past, I have tried to set my intentions, focus on changes I wanted to make, bought journals, planners, pretty stickers and new pens that felt good in my hand - only to realize that, that isn't my thing. I am not a planner. I wish I was. I've always just kind of followed my gut and moved forward. Sometimes that's a good thing. And sometimes it has led to years of being stuck, living without much focus on anything more than moving from one day to the next. I have found that those years are the ones that have flown by, and before I knew it, it was December and I was back in the chaos of the holidays and facing another new year.
I know that I need focus. I need to be working towards something with intention. I am at a point in my life where I want to be doing work that fulfills my heart and makes me feel I am doing something good. Spreading some joy. Using my creative gifts in a intentional and positive way. Eight years ago, I thought I had found a place to do that, but things change and I realize that if I am to be fulfilled, I have to make my own way along that journey.
On a recent shopping trip for the holidays, I picked up a book called, "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach. Something made me buy it. The book is a 365 day journey to a "balanced and joyful life". I thought that sounded great, so why not give it a try? Perhaps it would push me forward, and since it is short readings each day, I should be able to keep up with that "planned focus", right?
I read through the beginning of the book pretty fast, in which the author recounts her own story, her own journey on writing this book. (At some point, I will go back and give it the time it deserves.) Honestly, I wanted to just get into it! At the beginning of the daily reading, there is usually a quote... and so far, those quotes have me hooked! January 1 had a quote by Zora Neale Hurston, an African American writer and anthropologist. It said, "There are years that ask questions and years that answer." I couldn't agree more! As I reflected on those words, I feel that the years I have moved through in a bit of a fog, drifting without real intention or focus, have been the years I have asked myself many questions. Born out of my frustrations, my lack of fulfillment, my disappointment and self criticism, I would ask myself questions. Why don't you DO something, Barb? Why are you wasting time and energy when you could be productive? Why don't you do what you know is good for you?
I feel that perhaps 2024 is going to be a year that answers. My gut is telling me, it's time. So, I thought, why not start a blog? My Pibbons Cottage journey started a couple of years ago. It is my way of pulling together things and activities I love, that make me happy, that fulfill me - wrapped in a virtual "store" dedicated to my family roots. I believe that 2024 is going to be a year of great growth and change for Pibbons ... and for me. I hope you will want to follow along. The blog won't always be so personal. I envision it being more focused on my flowers, my love of vintage, my artwork, and my love of sharing the processes so that others can create too. But when I feel the need to share my heart with you, I hope that you will accept those words as well. And perhaps, you may be feeling something similar... and if I can connect with you, and my sharing helps you on YOUR journey, then it will all be worth it!
So here's to 2024, a "Transformative Year of Delight and Discovery", as Sarah Ban Breathnach so aptly said. Happy New Year, my flower friends!